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Part 2: Kingdom Builders & Nation Changers

Writer's picture: Free ChurchFree Church

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

Building wealth was part of God's design. God blesses us SO THAT we can be a blessing to others. Generosity is the transmission mechanism of the Gospel and pure-hearted generosity paves the way to eternal significance! The upside-down Kingdom with an economy that works differently from anything we could imagine.


Message Notes 15/09/2024 - Peter Molver

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Four Pillars of the Kingdom Economy

  • He (God) Supplies

  • We Steward

  • He Sends

  • He Saves


Two important things to mention upfront:


1.        Generosity is not limited to money – it covers our time, talents, and treasures!  Generosity is the transmission mechanism of the gospel and pure-hearted generosity paves the way to eternal significance! You might not be able to be financially generous, but you might be able to be generous with your time or skills.


2.   Jesus’ love is unconditional and he loves us the same regardless of how generous we are! We cannot buy his love or earn it! He loves us and his love doesn’t change based on us being generous or not – but faithfulness and generosity will increase what he entrusts you with.

1/ God Supplies


Gen 1:29 2 Cor 9:10 Deut 8:7 , Deut 8:17-18

He supplies us with seed – resources that can be multiplied

He supplies us with skills and abilities – natural gifts and abilities

He supplies us with opportunities – moments in life that come across our paths to put our seed or skills to work.

 He is the source of all we have and it’s a critical mindset to adopt in understanding the Kingdom Economy.

Building wealth was part of God's design. Tangibly and practically we see that he provides us with seed to plant and skills and abilities to produce wealth! Throughout the pages of scripture, we read of the generous nature of God. Not just material, but generous with grace, love, kindness, and faithfulness! He is gracious and compassionate, abounding in love and faithfulness! 


2/ We Steward 


Ps 24 Genesis 1:28  Genesis 2:15 Deuteronomy 8 1 Corinthians 3:6-9

Ownership says "This is mine".  Stewardship says "I am a manager". 

 In the Kingdom Economy, we believe that all belongs to God. We are created to work, labour, build and multiply that which the Lord has entrusted to us.

Stewardship is an ongoing acceptance of an invitation to partner with God in managing His resources! There is a key piece from Paul’s writings that we must include. 

Why does God bless us like this? The answer is found in two short words – SO THAT.

God wants us to prosper, build and multiply SO THAT we can be generous, see justice and fairness in this world and his Kingdom restored! 


6Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8And God is able to bless you abundantly, SO THAT in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 9As it is written:

“They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor;

their righteousness endures forever.” 

10Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness (Tzedakah) . 11You will be enriched in every way SO THAT you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.


The third pillar of the Kingdom Economy – he Sends!


3/ He Sends


This is where things get challenging for us - the other side of the growth and multiplication  – yes we are called to grow but we are also called to give and be generous as he sends us to do his will. 


We are made in his image – we are hardwired for it but the world we live in has blinded us to it. From 2 Cor 9 we read that He Sends us:


1.        He Sends us into the world to bring justice and fairness through our generosity

2.        He Sends us into the world that our generosity would bring thanksgiving to God


We have gifts and resources that we can use to restore this world to look more like his Kingdom! We get to be Kingdom builders and nation changers!  When we are generous – people experience the kindness and love of Jesus! We get the privilege and the joy of seeing his kindness and generosity impact lives around us.


When we give with him it’s not charity – its investment.

When he sends, three things happen – there is supply in other people’s lives that they then steward, which he in turn multiplies and he then sends them which becomes seed for others. They learn about the generosity of Jesus and pass on his kindness to others as they are sent.  As we give, God increases the seed, for us and others! 


If 300 people we each reach 2 people and show them the kindness of God, if that same pattern is repeated 20 times – that would mean that 314,572 ,800 lives would know and experience his love and kindness!


4/ He Saves


The last and without a doubt most important part of God’s Economy – is that he saves! 

Jesus saves us from the pressure and stress of money that we all face. He encourages us to not place our trust in the things of this world and invites us on a journey of generosity that weirdly leads to abundance and freedom.

The upside down Kingdom with an economy that works differently to anything we could imagine. 


His best plan for us is that we would experience freedom! It starts with trusting him!

God is generous by nature, he cannot help but bless us! We live in the same promise have to Abraham – he will give you land, he will bless you and he will bless others through you! 


Matthew 6:25-34, 7:11 – "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life and what you will eat, drink or wear. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you as well....“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more (say it) will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”


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