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Jesus and People

Teaching Notes: Sunday 04/02/2024

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Who you are becoming is the most important thing about you! It’s the most important thing about you because it’s the only thing about you that you take with you into eternity. This is why intentional spiritual formation in the way of Jesus is a crucial part of the Christian life.

Real human growth doesn’t come through head knowledge alone but through relational knowledge and strong attachment bonds. Todd Hall

In other words, to make intentional changes in the journey through life we need strong relationships with others. Spiritual formation happens best within healthy relationships with other believers.

A healthy church community matters because we believe the lies we tell ourselves and we need others to speak truth and life over us and into us.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:7

As we include other people in our lives and journey together in authenticity, we are shaped by authentic connections and crucial conversations. Iron sharpens iron and if we are intentional about loving one another and leaning into relationships, even when it’s challenging, we will be transformed, sharpened, and spiritually strengthened.

How do we do this?

Simply begin by choosing to obey Jesus’ command to love people!

This is what I command you: love one another. John 15:17

Some reflection questions that may help:

  • Who am I becoming?

  • Who is God calling me to be?

  • What type of people do I need to surround myself with to be the best version of myself?

  • In every situation ask yourself, “What would love do?”

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